Monday, 2 July 2012

More Little Happenings!

Hi Everyone!

I hope this finds you happy and enjoying your day!  Here at Little Handfuls we are getting ready for our next show!

This coming weekend we will be at the Hamilton Dunkleys Craft show.  This is from 6 - 8 July and is at the Claudelands showgrounds for anyone who is local!

In preparation for this event I have closed my facebook store due to not having as much stock as I would like for the show.  We also did an interview for the local paper so I look forward to seeing that in the Hamilton Press this Weds.

Since the last show I have been very busy with orders and sales of existing bears.  We also had our segment on Hearts In Crafts air not long after that show, so things have been very busy here!

I decided to wait until this next event before we put our tv segment up on Youtube, but I will let everyone know when it's available for all to see!

New photos will be up soon as I am keeping some of the newbies to myself at the moment!

Take care and if in Hamilton I hope you will come and see us this weekend!


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